Spring Painting a Table and Decor
Transform your furniture and decor with spring themed colors! Use the HomeRight Quick Finish paint sprayer to make the job easier.
By the time February comes, I usually have spring fever. Since it doesn’t look like spring outside, I decided to create a “spring” feeling inside! Fresh paint and fresh flowers were just what I needed to perk up my mood and my decor! I found this old entry table for $5. The table needed a bit of work so I grabbed my supplies and got started.
I sanded to get a super smooth finish. If there are deep dings and dents, you may need to fill those in with wood putty. Make sure the putty you use is sandable and paintable. Once it was all sanded, I got damp rags and wiped it down really well. A paint job is only as good as it's prep so make sure it is really clean.
Since the temps were above 50 that day (at least for a couple of hours), I was able to paint outside. I laid a tarp down on the driveway and added paint to my Quick Finish sprayer. This sprayer is perfect for easy spring crafts. I decided to use this shade because when I think of spring, I think of green! I turned the knob on the sprayer to the lowest setting so not as much paint came out. This gave a nice, smooth finish. Multiple thinner coats of paint are much better than one heavy coat.
*TIP *If your paint is coming out splotchy or speckled, you probably didn't thin the paint down enough. Add a little more water, stir well, and try again.
While the paint on the table was drying, I cleaned the sprayer. My favorite thing about this sprayer is how easy it is to clean. The motor part comes off so you don’t have to be super careful not to get it wet. Easy peasy!
Now the sprayer was ready for the next painting project. I also painted some buckets for the fun spring display I was going to be creating. I got them at our local feed store and they were very inexpensive. I taped off the portion I didn't want to get painted.
*TIP* When taping something round, it is easier to use electrical tape because it stretches and bends. I used the Quick Finish sprayer again.
Once the table and buckets were painted, it was time to put it all together! Since there aren't any spring flowers growing here yet, I made a trip to the store to get some spring blooms. Nothing cheers up a space like fresh flowers!
I love how the spring green of the table and the colors of the flowers really brighten up my space. What kind of fun touches do you add to your home in the spring?
This sponsored post was created by Not Just a Housewife. Head to the blog for the full post and details.
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